Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 43: Enough is Enough

After today, I declare that the next city I move to will be a place where "cold" is no lower than 70 degrees. Icy, freezing rain that sticks to my umbrella. Falling on the brick sidewalk in Alexandria, bruising my knee and twisting my ankle a bit. Waiting twice as long for a metro and the bus. And then a first, for any place I've ever been, getting on a city bus, and having the passengers direct the driver on where to go. I truly never thought I would get home. But now I am, un-freezing in front of my heater, and thinking about New Orleans or Buenos Aires, any place where the words "ice" and "snow" don't factor into the local vocabulary.


  1. Forget those places. Lets go get us a place on a beatuiful beach in th Bahamas. I love the Bahamas. Warm Weather. CAROLINA BLUE water. Would move in a heart beat. Of course my grandbabies will need to come and become beach bums with us. I ask Madison where Poppa's (Lamar) going to take her and she says on the big boat to see the pretty beaches. I have taught my girl well!
    Love you AMee

  2. Ooh I had not yet considered the Bahamas. I could get behind that. Plus they have all those offshore accounts. I've seen too many mob movies and read too much John Grisham - I just really want one.
