Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day 38: Sleeping sweetly

The majority of the time, I'm pretty happy with myself. I have my role models and the people I want to emulate, but I don't want to be anyone else.

With, perhaps, the exception of Audrey Hepburn. Specifically, Holly Golightly. I want to go into Tiffany's and ask for a silver telephone dial. I want to steal a mask from a five and dime. I even kind of want a cat named cat and a cranky, politically incorrect landlord.

But for now, I will settle for this Holly-esque sleep mask I snatched up on sale at Bath and Body Works. Tonight I slept in a sleep mask for the first time. I woke up at about 4:30 and it had slipped off, but it was nice for awhile. And it truly may be the "the sweetest, softest sleep mask on earth," as advertised.
A little creepy, yeah, but I like it.

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