Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day 3: Can I add this to my resume under "newspaper experience"?

As any good (former) news editorial journalism student knows, newspaper readership has been on the decline for the past ten years or so. People prefer to get their news from the internet or cable, or as it sometimes seems if you watch "Jaywalking" on the "The Tonight Show," get no news at all. I think no topic was discussed more during my journalism school tenure than how we would fare in a newspaperless society. (Always a cheery discussion in a group of future print journalists.)

So in light of that bleak future, I grabbed a piece of newspaper while it's still around, and made a newspaper hat. I thought they always looked kind of cool in movies, and thanks to Wikihow, made my own.

In progress
Ta da!
Modeling it on Paddington. Looks like he could live in it instead of wear it.

Slight adjustment when trying it on Audrey, my build-a-bear. I think she looks like a Pope.

1 comment:

  1. BUT NOT THE REAL POPE!!!! I still think you should get a tat...a small tarheel foot...get it in the right place and you won't feel a thing!!
