Saturday, November 22, 2008

Day 327: So fancy

I did have a paragraph of rants on why I hate this city sometimes and other things that have made me mad today, but instead, given the less than happy nature of the blog this week, I am forcing myself to think of five things that didn't piss me off this week.

  1. A productive day at work yesterday. I get a lot done most days, but I really got in the zone yesterday and got ahead on some stuff.
  2. The fact that this time next week I will be home in Carolina, where I bet I will have no trouble finding the basketball and football games on tv.
  3. French toast sticks. I've been on a breakfast food as dinner kick this month, and these keep making a re-appearance.
  4. Sleeping in without feeling guilty because it's so cold outside I know I don't want to be out there anyway.
  5. Today's new thing, trying calligraphy with a little kit.
I'm still old-fashioned in that I'd rather write letters to my niece than email, or send physical cards to my friends instead of an online one. (Though I do love those too.) And though my penmanship is a bit too loopy for most, I still like the physical act of writing, too. So I tried calligraphy for the first time tonite, and it wasn't too bad.
I spent more time practicing the strokes than writing actual words, though you can see I did get a nice jab in at the end. And what better way to class up a slightly derogatory remark, than with calligraphy?

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