Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day 311: CNN: The most trusted name in news...and t-shirts

I first noticed the initially absurd CNN headline shirts when Anderson Cooper asked Donna Brazile to be his boo. (AKA, one of the best moments in news, ever.) And though I really wanted a shirt that had a white boy using hip-hip slang on a prominent Democratic stategist, I resisted. Because despite my unabashed love for CNN, I thought I may be crossing some invisible nerd line by getting one.

But let's face it. First, lines are meant to be crossed. Second, I am a nerd. And third, there's nothing nerdy about a shirt proclaiming topical issues and stories! So on those notes, I bought a shirt to mark the historic week we just had, from CNN.

I think it will go lovely with my CNN hat and bumper sticker.

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