Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 90: Casual Friday and Monday and Tuesday and...

For the most part, I like that my job has a casual dress code, and I can wear jeans every day. I try to still dress up nicely once a week or so, but when it requires ironing and matching and usually more painful shoes, I just grab the jeans and go.

But as I may or may not have briefly considered wearing my pajama shirt to work this week, because it was cute and really not even a pajama shirt, I decided I needed to raid the closet and try a little harder. (For the record, the shirt was the one from my cookie post, day 85. It could totally pass for an everyday shirt, as it is one, I just choose to sleep in it occasionally.)

Thus tonite I got all my nice dress pants out, and starched and ironed them all. I still can't iron a pleat to save my life, and my starch leaked on one pair, making them extra extra stiff, but at least none of them will look good with my pajama shirt.

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