Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 261: "I can see Russia from my house!" (Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, SNL)

I am a fan of the creative, different baby name. Not an Audio Science or Pilot Inspektor, but a name unique enough so they won't have the burden of attaching a last initial to differentiate them from the dozen other kids named Sally or Johnny.

However, I just can not get behind a kid named after a painful and utterly useless branch of mathematics. Or another named after a random British city. However, I also can't resist when the joys of internet name generators beckon me to discover my own Sarah Palin-esque name. So tonite I discovered what my name would have been were I born to an Alaskan with questionable ethics and a love of firearms: Taupe Armageddon. Ugh.

I have to say, though, that it's a name that demands a certain amount of respect. No one would ever take the lunch money of a Taupe Armageddon or threaten to flush her down the toilet every other day at pre-school. (Don't think I've forgotten you, Sam, from the Westmeyer Presbyterian Pre-School in Wilmington.)


  1. You forgot to mention a Moose killer too....
    Love Aunt Amee

  2. You forgot to mention a Moose killer too....
    Love Aunt Amee

  3. You forgot to mention a Moose killer too....
    Love Aunt Amee
