Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 176: My kind of "emergency"

I feel like one of my new things needs to be going a week without talking about books or food. That will not be this week.

In line at Borders today (I had a coupon that was going to expire, don't judge) I eyed a chocolate bar out of the corner of my eye with EMERGENCY on it. Always a sucker for both chocolate, and cheesiness, I leaned in for a closer look. Upon seeing the disclaimer, I was hooked:
For immediate relief of: Chocolate Cravings, Lovesickness, Exam Pressure, and Extreme Hunger.
So I bought an Emergency Chocolate bar. It didn't take long, shockingly, for me to have an "emergency," as I ate a portion of it while waiting for the metro an hour later.

Not too bad. A little more chocolate flavor in the emergency CHOCOLATE bar would have been nice, but it kept me from murdering the couple in front of me who walked so slow I missed the train. (They should add that to the disclaimer, would sell well in cities, I think.)

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