Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day 173: The truth is out there

My best friends are my friends for a reason. Maybe because we come from similar backgrounds and went to the same school. Maybe because we would all give our right arm if Roy and his boys ever asked us to. But largely because we all share one thing in common: we are obsessive, passionate, nerds.

Whether it's a TV show or movie or song or event or founding father, we are obsessive and passionate about it/them and are not afraid to show it, to proclaim it from the rooftops! (If a situation ever were to arise where this was necessary.) And even if we don't all share it, we still discuss it and quote it and defend it, knowing full well the other person will listen to us do the same thing. Tonite, partly in honor of it almost being her birthday, and partly because she's my friend, I saw my first X-Files episode, a passionate obsession of my friend, Karey.

And it was good.


  1. Best new thing EVER. -Karey

  2. Haha, I thought you might approve.

    Thanks for putting your name, I never would have guessed otherwise. :-)
