Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Google Test

Search for: i hate unc
Results returned: 233,000

Search for: i hate duke
Results returned: 1,920,000

How can you argue with Google? We all know they are the final arbiter of all life's decisions. (Not that most readers of my blog would think otherwise about Duke anyway.)

I always miss Chapel Hill during the basketball season most on Duke game days. When I'm somewhere else people are just walking around like it's a normal day. They ask about rush hour and deadlines and weekend plans. In Chapel Hill, I'd grab a DTH with everyone else to read Ian Williams' column even though we have it memorized. I'd spend the day hearing the random cries of well-deserved threats aimed at Duke, with even normally sedate professors chiming in. I'd be swept up in the half exuberant and half anxious energy enveloping campus that makes you think we can do anything.

Instead, I will fight rush hours crowds and make my deadlines and discuss my weekend plans in my Carolina blue shirt and argyle socks and Tar Heel earrings that no one else will notice because they don't understand it's not just another day.

But with 1.9 million reasons on Google, just from one side of the debate, I'm hardly alone.

Now if I can just get to sleep so I have energy tomorrow to yell


  1. Bonnie,

    That has made my day! I will make sure Eva sees that's priceless! Have fun watching the game!

    GO HEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Aunt Traci

  2. Bonnie, Couldnt agree with you more... I have on my Beating Duke shirt, Carolina necklace and bracelet and my foot tattoo on my face. Not to mention my real interlocking NC on my leg..

