Friday, May 30, 2008

Day 151: "See? Drama!" (Harry, SATC: The Movie)

After what feels like an interminable wait, tonite we finally saw Sex and the City on the big screen. And as I didn't start watching the series until it was over, it meant I got to see Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte, new - no reruns.
To me this show is senior year, late nights drinking, talking, and laughing with my friends. It's referencing ridiculous situations of theirs and ours in emails and conversations. It's saying "oh I had a Miranda moment" and knowing exactly what the other is talking about. It's fitting our respective characters eerily well a lot of the time. It's someone making me laugh when I need to, listening to me cry when I need to, making me not feel so crazy, and not so alone. It's not just a show. Or it was, but at some point, it got bigger, and meant so much more.

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