Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A little Tuesday, a little Audrey, a little happiness, a little wine

Yesterday was just such a Monday. And with my vacation starting in just 48 hours, I'm already over this week. Thus to make the week go more smoothly I made a rash decision: Choose to be happy. Because, yes, sometimes it is a choice. Especially for me. So this week I am just choosing happiness. Choosing to ignore dumb people on the metro. Choosing to deal with silly inconveniences. Choosing to let things go. And, on a hot June Tuesday, choosing to wear an outfit that makes happy. It's the little things!

This is one of a hundred attempts over the years at channeling Audrey. If I could, I'd wear a white dress shirt, skinnies, flats, and pearls every day. They just make me feel pretty. And not just in a physical way, but in a pretty-on-the-inside way, too. (I know, gag me, but it's true!)


(Courtesy of Rare Audrey Hepburn.)

I'm grabbing a drink after work with a friend. As in, a friend is coming to Old Town to grab a drink with me. Other than coworkers, no one ever comes to Old Town to drink with me. Granted, my friend lives near Old Town, but still! (And if you are a friend and reading this and think I'm trying to make you feel bad: I'm not. I love drinking in D.C., too, and it is far more convenient for our circumstances.)

Now to just channel Audrey a bit longer and have just one glass of wine. Choosing happiness, not lushness.

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