Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 188: No, I am Batman

I'm kind of obsessed with the Domino's online pizza tracker. After selecting your pizza, sides, and coupons, all online, they show a status bar of where your pizza is. I know when it's being made, when it's in the bag, and when it's on its way to me. Even who is making it. (For the record, mine are almost always made by "Martini." Though I prefer a good margarita, Martini makes damn fine pies.)

I've always known I had voyeuristic tendencies (thanks Facebook) but to actually check on the status of my pizza, is kind of odd. And addicting.

But that's not the new thing, ordering and eating a Gotham City pizza is.
Oh movie tie-ins, how I love you. And Batman, too. How else would I get to eat a pizza "cloaked in pepperoni" that is also "deliciously mysterious." Absolutely brilliant. Just waiting for the Batman qualities to kick in and I'll be off to save the good citizens of Gotham from whatever villain ails them tonite. Or I'll just chill out with my pizza and let them fend for themselves.

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