Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Democracy at its finest

I love this photo from the official White House Flickr photostream:

Blackberrys, cell phones and communications devices are tagged with post-its during a briefing on Afghanistan and Pakistan in the Cabinet Room 3/26/09. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza.

Commenters below the photo point out two things:
  1. As high tech as the devices are, they still resort to post-its notes to identify them.
  2. How amazingly fun it would be to mix-up the post-its and therefore the phones?
Seriously, I amuse myself entirely too much envisioning what would happen if they were switched. What if Schumer had got Specter's right before he switched parties and saw that he had an "I Love Nancy Pelosi" background and had just purchased the book Why Daddy is a Democrat? (Although now I realize the post-it I thought said Specter actually says Cantor. Damn. I would be the person to get fired from the White House for mixing up the post-its not even intentionally.)

And it looks like the fourth or fifth one down from the top is a digital camera. Someone has clearly been watching some ANTM and wants some fierce photos in the cabinet room. (It goes without saying that I'd have the same intentions. After the business was done, of course. No disrespect.)

I'm kind of obsessed with this photostream now. I really think that no matter your political beliefs, the pictures posted are interesting and offer a glimpse into West Wing dealings that we don't often get.

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