Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 210: Change you can believe in!

My commute takes me by Reagan National Airport every day. I like it, as just past the train tracks is the airport, just past that are the runways, and just past them are the Potomac. It's not an extraordinary building or anything, but there is something peaceful about my metro train moving along as a plane takes off at the same time. Same forward motion, same goal, same human ingenuity that created both. But different enough to be unique and to make me take notice as one pulls away as the other one glides up.

Today, fighting exhaustion, I glimpsed the tail of a plane with a very distinctive "O." Knowing full well that I don't have good luck and never see anyone, I grinned, and as a gap in the buildings appeared I saw the rest of the white plane, just like on the news, and "CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN" stenciled on the sides. I saw Barack Obama's plane! And the door was open, too! But, no, I didn't see him. But I saw his plane! And I think it's kind of cool.

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