Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 114: All I need: book, fountain, strawberries

After 24 years of allergy free living, the tide has turned. Something in Northern Virginia, beside the cost of living, is making me sick. Itchy eyes and nose and throat and a head that feels like it weighs 10 pounds. So, naturally, the solution is to go outside, and eat lunch by a fountain.

Yes, though being outside is precisely what was making me sick, I went anyway. This is also the first time I've ever actually ate my lunch away from my desk, preferring instead to work while eating. I popped a few allergy pills, got a quiche and some strawberries, and settled in with my book in Market Square, and a fountain.

And it was lovely while it lasted. An hour later I felt worse, and thanks to my "may cause drowsiness," medication that absolutely caused drowsiness, I fought sleep for the rest of the afternoon. (Thankfully, my new thing didn't end up being actually taking a nap at work. But oh so very hard to prevent it.)

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