It began with my company's annual staff meeting/Halloween party. I wore a tutu that I made. Both new as I've never previously worn nor made a tutu. I'm afraid it could be addicting. I tried it on the night before and did a load of laundry whilst wearing it. Best load of laundry ever.
Making the tutu with a red carpet of tulle. Tutorial on laptop on left, Giants game on TV on right. Doesn't everyone make their tutus whilst watching football?
We had breakfast and lunch and played games, including taking the latest citizenship test. I was one of two people, out of 60 total, to get all the questions correct! Now not only am I a knowledgeable U.S. citizen, I'm also $50 richer in AmEx gift cards for my dedication! (Sadly, I don't have pictures from the party, as the ladybug had no pockets, thus the ladybug had no camera.)
After actually having to work in the afternoon, and then an almost-nap at home, I set out for the Coldplay concert in downtown D.C. This is my first concert in almost three years, my first concert in D.C. and of course, my first time seeing Coldplay.
I had great lower-level seats (also a new thing) and they played all of my favorite songs. Chris Martin has manic energy that was catching and it just got better and better. And I mean that, as a little more than halfway through the show they took off the stage and into the crowd, to perform "The Scientist" and one other song, 3 ROWS FROM ME!!!! I was second seat from the aisle when they ran by and could have touched Chris Martin. (I tried, but didn't quite make it. And honestly, I may have recoiled, as he was 90% sweat. I love Coldplay, but I don't love sweat.)
They didn't glow this much in real life, even with the sweat. And Mr. Big Head in the black shirt is not a member of the band. Had I had an apple with me, I would have thrown it at his big neck.
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